To Protect, Preserve and Empower the name of Hip Hop, its Pioneers, People and Culture.


Coming Up
Hip Hop Blvd has the opportunity to showcase many artist throughout all our events. Here’s a list of artist that we know will be a great addition to your next event. These artist have perform for us and as we grow as a company. We make sure that our A&R division with our newly appointed director Eddie Rivera works with these artists. So they are prepared to perform on any stage with a selection of lyrics and music that will excite your audience. As alway Hip Hop Blvd “More Than a Street Name”
Sir Brutis
Edward ONeal AKA Sir Brutis or as some people affectionately started calling him the Bronx GRIZZLY hails where Hip Hop was born. Born in the historic town of Colon, Panama, and raised amidst the rich cultural tapestry of the Bronx, his music reflects the fusion of his Panamanian and African-American roots. His father's Panamanian heritage and his mother's roots in Alabama paint a vivid picture of the artist's diverse influences, which form the foundation of his music. Living between Bainbridge Ave and Bronx River projects, he experienced firsthand the challenges and triumphs of growing up in the heart of the hip hop culture. At 13 Brutis was first introduced to the captivating world of hip hop but at 20 he truly honed his skills, perfecting his craft. For the past 17 years, Brutis has dedicated himself to meticulously crafting his verses with masterful storytelling through his music leaving audiences captivated with his emotionally charged performances that leave a lasting impression. We would like to welcome Sir Brutis as our newest Hip Hop Blvd Artist. Just Cauz Of Just Cauz LLC

King Lyrical
A rising Puerto Rican-American artist from Brooklyn New York Singer rapper songwriter Hidden Julez started young as her passion for music was held back. Up until her adult years she was hiding her talent due to a lack of confidence with no help. Julez is very proud of her independent career as she says she invested so much money time and energy into it. She gain so much more control as she realized this is what she really wanted. Her name came from being hidden for so long but now her goal is for a Grammy! She was inspired by the deceased rapper Biggie Smalls, and that’s where she gained her lyricism from. Hidden Julez was always a quiet child at home and at school so her now being exposed to the music industry is a shock to who that knows her. Her social media growth resin, as she began doing showcases back to back. She won't stop or give up! She will keep making music so the world can see who she really is! Julez With Another One!

Hidden Julez